Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Delayed and learning

I am trying to use this computer until it completely dies on me. I don't have much time...

Our plans to leave yesterday have not come through...our plans to leave today, fell through...our plans to dip out tomorrow- not happening.. What is the Lord doing? I don't know. It is interesting to me, though. The men around me (or not around me, but connected to me through this Fusion program and through the body of Christ) have been purposeful in encouraging me. I don't know if I come across as discouraged or they just assume I would be thrown off by the events not going smoothly to my plans, but I don't think I am as stressed as it may come off to some of those guys. Regardless, it has been good to have people encouraging me to remember this is a minor set-back and God does know what He is doing.

SO- we are going to help with a children's ministry in Pamplona tomorrow. There are 4 adults from a church in NC who have come over for a week. They would love to have help with the abundant number of kids they've seen all week...and it will be good for us to get out and help serve folks. Lima or some other place in Peru, it is time to get moving. I am excited. I hear the kids don't mind well, though, which I am interested in seeing how it plays out.

The girls and I hung out some tonight. We went to the juice bar...we tried a couple of different fruit drinks/smoothies. The one Amy and I shared had lucuma, fresa y plantano. After ordering and partaking of our yummie beverages, we made out way to the central circle outside of our hostel. I sat with my girls outside in the Ovalo..we asked each other questions and played a few games...i.e. 2 truths and a lie, "I have never ever..." We then decided to just ask questions and each person in the group answered, such as: What is a goal you have?, What is the sweetest thing a man has ever done for you?, What nickname do you dislike the most?, etc...We laughed some, we reflected some...we had girl time and I REALLY enjoyed myself.
I am going to bed now.. I will post this in the morning. I Skyped with my grandparents today- that was good.

It is Wednesday morning.The original plan was to depart from Lima on the 1st, and then the 2nd...and it is now the 3rd. There is no telling when we will get the green light to go. There is a delay due to getting funds squared away, but it is interesting to me how the delay keeps occuring because it is minor, but I think there is a good reason for it that I am not quite able to see right now. So- please pray for us all as we figure out what is going on. Today we are going to Pamplona to help with a children's VBS kind of thing. There is a team of 4 adults from NC here for the week and today is their last day with the kids, I think....we are going to help them out and spend some time with 40 kids. :o) I have had some neat times with my team...with my girls...thanks to the delay. I don't have to know what is going on. I just need to be obedient in being a good steward of my time...and any place here in Peru (or anywhere in the world..wherever we are) is a mission field, so I must not waste time or opportunities. Off to read and eat breakfast. Keep the scene alive wherever you find yourself as you read this...much love (something the Lord is teaching me).

Let not truth or mercy forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the table of your heart. Proverbs 3:3 <-----the Lord has me stuck on this verse and in this Proverb.

1 comment:

Jenn F said...

Love you Anne Tully....

This stuck out to me...
"I don't have to know what is going on. I just need to be obedient in being a good steward of my time...and any place here in Peru (or anywhere in the world..wherever we are) is a mission field, so I must not waste time or opportunities." "Keep the scene alive wherever you find yourself as you read this...much love (something the Lord is teaching me)."
