Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another late night.

I am sitting in the hostel here in Lima. There is a man from Chile who was engaging
some of my friends in conversation- violating the standard American 'personal bubble' and making Chris uncomfortable. At this point, the man went over to talk with Blake. Blake questioned why the man was in Lima- 'traveling,' he said...then the man returned the question and Blake explained why he was in Peru- 'I am a missionary. I love Jesus,' Blake returned. There was aLidman is here- he speaks Spanish and he is a believer in Jesus. He is sharing the Gospel with this man. Blake started it, but due to the language barrier Lidman has stepped in to have a smoother flowing conversation. It is really neat to be a witness to this...praying the seed falls on fertile soil.

This picture is of a little girl that I met at the beach. She spoke quick Spanish...she liked my camera..she touched my heart...O how the Lord has grown my heart for children.. This is also a time of swimming at sunset.. LOVE IT!

Our departure date has been delayed due to needing to get funds to the teams....snow in the States and a delay on my end in getting the budget have contributed to this. The question is: what to do with tomorrow's day? Today I sat with two of my girls, Iesha and Abbie, in Starbucks. We shared our hearts, laughed some, cried some...we prayed as a group of girls. Iesha prays very simple, yet strong prayers. I love being around when she prays because she does share her heart with the Lord in a simple, real way. I hope to take Amy and Kate somewhere to spend some time with them- they are a team...and then go somewhere with Lauren. It is strange to think we are departing ways to go do ministry in different parts of this country. As I type this, a wave of excitement and understanding come over me....this is why we are here. I am proud to see these girls go. little encouraging from me to explain the 'why' of that statement...to go deeper.

We had a group time of worship. Folks shared some passages in the Word that have been sources of comfort, encouragement, correction. I do believe the Lord is going to show me what it looks like to bind mercy and truth around my neck...and write them on the tables of my heart (Proverbs 3:3). That verse in Proverbs has stood out to me a lot recently...and I pray He teaches me what that means. The picture of having truth around my neck and written on my heart- sticks out to me. I see the NEED to have truth and mercy around me and stored within me, especially during this time where I do anticipate different types of trying times. Contentment should not be affected by circumstances...it should stand firm because it is based on the hope found in Christ. TRUTH- must store it in my heart so the enemy cannot throw insecurities or weaknesses or unpleasant circumstances at me to push me off course. TRUTH- God's Word...

I have uploaded some videos on FB. They are videos of Solomon, Lidman and I swimming in the Pacific Ocean at 2AM on my 25th birthday. What a way to welcome 25...very youthful and spontaneous.. good for my spirit.

I won't be seeing the Andes Mountains as soon as I had hoped. I will be near the beach this next month...and in the desert. My heart's desire is to be in the mountains, but I am also mindful that God knows my heart and He knows what work needs to get done...so, I trust that even if I don't get to see those mountains everything will be okay. I AM IN PERU...it is not about the mountains or my Spanish....or my preferences... People are lost in the desert...some lady, man, or child I will meet in the desert area may change my perspective on life, the Peruvian people, this country... I may fall in love with the area...I may struggle the whole time... Regardless, obedience to the Lord must come first and then the emotions/feelings with change...

Please pray for the teams as we depart...and pray we are proactive in doing what we've been commanded to do...share the Gospel, in love...to die to ourselves, pick up our crosses, and follow Jesus Christ- DAILY... Pray for the relationships of the smaller teams. Pray for this man that Lidman is sharing the Gospel with... Benjami...muchas gracias.

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