Monday, April 6, 2009

So Long, Astoria

And by Astoria, we of course mean Andrews. Just thought I'd throw in an Ataris lyric, you know. Well, the wheels are progressively turning as we continue towards our departure. We left Snowbird and Andrews back in March, and the Snowbird crew gave us a royal goodbye, complete with Japanese Hibachi and tactical pistol shooting. Surely, we have the best friends and church anyone could ask for. We have been in Thomasville, GA with Bryan's family for a few weeks, and have just arrived in High Point, NC with Mandi's folks for another two.

Our time in Thomasville was terrific. We got to spend a lot of quality time with family and relax a little. I'll tell you, it always feels weird not having anything to do when you're used to the fast pace of Snowbird life. We also met with some pastors there that are going to support us with prayer and correspondence during our time on the field. We also had the opportunity to share with my home church, Dawson Street Baptist, about what we're going to be doing and how they can support us while we're there. My church is filled with so many wonderful people and an equally awesome pastor. It may also be important to note that Mandi totally out-fished me in my own pond. I will forever hang my head in shame. On another note, the Chik-Fil-A in Thomasville is delicious.

We will be here in High Point for a few weeks before we head up to Richmond. We always enjoy our time with Mandi's family, and feel blessed to have this time available to us. We also look forward to hanging out with Mandi's church, The Journey, during our time here. Please continue to pray for both of our families during this time, that they will also sense the Spirit's guiding in our lives to pursue this calling. Pray for understanding, clarity, peace, and a supportive spirit.

We are earnestly praying for and looking forward to heading up to Richmond on April 20th. There we will begin our training that will last until sometime in early July. Our official departure (to the field) is July 12. As we converse with people on the field and pray towards Richmond, we are becoming more and more anxious to start our work.

Take a second to check out these videos. They have been very inspirational to us, and they're put out by Hillsong, which automatically makes them awesome. Y'all take care and we'll keep you up to date.


Bryan and Mandi


Jenn F said...

Thank you for posting, I love to read updates!!! I am glad your time with your family has been good and that you survived the tornado. Thank you SOOOO very much for posting those videos....amazing. If you get a chance listen to the house church podcast from April 6, 2009. Brody did a teaching on palm Sunday and it was awesome.

Miss you guys,
Jenn Forchetti

Anonymous said...

Whew... Awesome videos. Thanks for sharing. I will have to pass these along.

While yall are in the Triad for a few days, i would consider it an honor if you were able to join us for a meal before you bugger off to Richmond.

shelli belle said...

snowbird misses you guys too...not the same round here...thanks for posting!