Thursday, March 3, 2011

and the adventure begins....

So after waiting for three long months to recieve this beautiful little stamp in my passport, I have finally made it to my first destination. The time I spent waiting was not wasted on me though, God and I had some very sweet time together. I was also there to help out in some family situations that would not have turned out so good if I were not there. I learned a lot about being flexible, not that I am a master at it, but I have gotten much better. God also taught me about being happy in the situation that He has placed you. I can not expect Him to change my location if I can not serve Him with a happy heart in the current situation.
I think that because of all the waiting and anticipating I was very excited when the day finally came to pack my bags and get on that plane. It was years of prayers, and prepartion to reach to this point, and to see the end result was so glorious. brings me back to a familar verse that says that God wants to give me the desires of my heart, especially when those desires are ones that are the same as His.
I will be living with a Brazilian family for the next couple of months before I make it up to Manaus. Pray that I have patience in learning this new language, and boldness to share even if I do not have the words.
Pray that I will learn to be even more flexible when things do not go my way, knowing that God has my best interest at heart.
Pray that during these next few days of Carnaval God will help the people of Brazil to see past all the glitz and glamor and see that they are in desperate need of the Father.

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