~Kyle and Jessica
Psalm 37:25 "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His children begging for bread"
So within the next couple of weeks you should receive a letter from us. It will have all the details that we have shared via this blog and more. It will give you all the information you need to know to pray for us and offer financial support.
We assume that unless we have spoken to you about the matter that few of you know what a process it has been for us to get to this point. So much of this journey is about us submitting our hearts to the work of the Lord. He is going to take care of us and we eagerly await His plan for us, the work in Liberia, finances, etc...
In other news: The most recent winter blast gave us a good weekend at home to enjoy rest and a little playtime in the snow. Big thanks to the V.A. hospital for having excellent sledding hills as well as Curbside management for constructing great lids for the paper recycleables bins. They make awesome sleds. I am sure that some part of what we did was illegal or at least intensely discouraged, but what the hey we are young! Here are a few photos to enjoy! Don't expect many more winter weather photos on here seeing as Liberia is a non-winter weather climate...you know being equatorial and all!
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