Hello All!
For those who don't know, Jessica and I are making plans to serve in Liberia West Africa beginning this summer. To catch up here are the highlights of the past 6 months:
*Back in November ('09) we received approval from Equip International to go as missionaries for 1 year to Liberia, West Africa to assist with the ongoing work of Equip Liberia's current team through water and sanitation work as well as assisting with the ongoing community health initiatives already in place.
*We underwent an orientation and financial planning briefing so that we could wrap our minds around the fundraising part of this journey.
*We began the first stages of our first support letter...a slow but rewarding process...If you are uncertain about whether you are on our contact list please contact us ASAP. This will allow you to receive our update letters regardless of whether you donate financially. Trust us your prayers are coveted tremendously!
*December was a busy month! The holidays were a wonderful time with friends and family and especially meaningful in light of the task ahead.
*That brings us to January: We are finished with our letter and have now sent it in for review by Equip. Lots of prayer and work has gone into this first letter and now we are dependent on God to bring about the fruit of our labor. To Him be the Glory!
What is in store for the next few months? (These plans are tentative and completely dependent on where and what the Lord wants to do in our lives, i.e; Nothing is set in stone!)
*We plan to continue working here in Asheville, NC until the beginning of May. *Equip offers many classes and some of the ones that we would like to take begin in May so we hope to be free to take those at that point.
*There is one class that is required for both of us to take and that is the Community Health Evangelism (CHE) course. It is held in the middle of June at the end of Equip's Spring Semester of classes.
*We hope to be fully funded and prepared to leave after the CHE class. That would give us an approximate date of leaving somewhere around the end of June or beginning of July. So that is where we are and where we hope to be headed in the coming days. Pass this blog along to your friends and let us know if you would like more information about our work and other missionaries working for Equip International. We are so thankful for the community that God has given us. Know that it is by His grace and with your support that we attempt this journey.
Check out more on our journey and Equip International @ www.equipinternational.com
Twitter: HooverMission
Email: internationalhoovers@gmail.com
In Christ Alone, The Hoovers
What an interesting journey. Please be sure to drop ashevillenow.com a line if you have any fund raising shows or events we'll try to help spread the word.
Got to love me some Hoovers and really love me some Hoovers in West Africa!!!
Thanks for the post, keep us updated!!!
PS If I am not on your mailing list I want to be!
Much Love,
Jenn Forchetti
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