We leave Atico tonight..at 8:45pm...and head to Arequipa for two days. We are following up with three ladies we've met here in Atico. Our time in Atico has been good. The people we have relationships have really begun to open up to us. It will be hard to leave. In fact, I am still curious if we're not supposed to come back...Please pray for my team in making that decision. We go to Lima on the 1st and stay until the 6th...so we have time to decide to come back. So many factors, but I don't want to focus on them. I am asking the Lord to speak to my heart about it and I would appreciate it if you join me in asking Him to speak to my team.
I have pictures to upload on FB later. I tell you- the sunsets over the ocean are incredible!! The little kids I have met are too cute....I enjoy listening to them talk with their little voices- a language I am learning. The women I have met, too, have been a real blessing to me. I now know how to make some very simple food items they eat here. I bought 5 little cookbooks... experiment time. I know how to better wash my laundry by hand. Simple, little things...enriching to me.
I am reading through 1 Peter these days in my study. WOW.. also, I am reading through the Bible while I am here in Peru. THAT has been a true blessing...yeah, I am amazed at the history of Israel and learning more about God through these accounts found in the OT....I am almost done with Joshua and will move into the next book today...just neat and it is about time I read through the Bible. The timing is right, no doubt about it.
Ok..there will be more to come later. I just wanted to touch base. Things are good.. I am TOTALLY looking forward to the letters sent from SWO- hope they've been delivered to Lima. Thank you for praying for me and my team. Pray the Lord will keep us (my team) and any other believers we interact with (missionaries and etc) in unity- one heart, one mind, one focus- in Christ and on Him. Pray for the work that has happened in each other the villages...teams deciding if they need to stay or go to another place. Pray the Spirit continues to bring conviction to areas of our hearts that are hard or unclean...and that He will continue to minister to us as some of the folks are homesick (especially Lauren), others just figuring out why they're here... (that is me, sometimes)...and that our faith would be strengthened in ways only He can do.
Off to hang out with Saul...cannot believe we leave today...
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