Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Semester Down...

Just a year ago I was back to teaching in Andrews, NC, after celebrating Christmas in Iowa with my family and New Year's with one of my best friends in WI.

I gave my parents and my sister and her husband each a copy of the book, Revolution in World Missions and informed them that God had made it clear to me that serving Him overseas was part of His plan for me. Even after sharing that and staying up late talking it all over with Kristin the few days I was in Wisconsin, I had NO clue God would open the doors so quickly--and I did NOT think it would be in Korea! So, it felt pretty surreal to decorate a little tree in a classroom in Seoul and then to wear a Santa hat on a beach in Thailand on Christmas day!!

God has already stretched me--further than I knew I could go--and the peace I feel resting in Him is reminiscent of the peace I felt going through the hardest person time I have ever gone through--there is a sweet peace in perseverance. Yet, this isn't a dark time. I am surrounded by believers who challenge me and I have opportunities to travel and see parts of God's beautiful creation that I never imagined seeing, touching, or hearing for myself.

I spent 10 relaxing days exploring just one small section of Thailand and filling journal pages with lists of people and things I felt overwhelming thankfulness for. It was wonderful to be able to read, study, and pray with out any "clock-watching." The open worship of Buddha and the lack of morals was constantly in sight, yet I had one of the delightful times with the Lord that I have ever had. It has bled into this new semester as I have woken up talking to Him and a longing to grow in my relationship fills me.

Please continue to pray for me, I cannot tell you all how many times I have been encouraged by the knowledge that prayers are being sent out on my behalf--some days that realization gets me through a homesick moment or a struggle in the classroom. I am meeting Mondays after school with the staff and students who will travel to Indonesia in April. Pray that these times are challenging and that the students come away with more Biblical knowledge and a deeper hunger for Christ. Also, if you will pray for my financial support for that trip. I will need to send out letters soon to raise about a thousand dollars. Please pray also that I will show God's love to my students!

In Christ Alone--Shelli

1 comment:

Jenn F said...

Hey girl! Thanks for the post! Love you!!!

Jenn Forchetti