The flights have been decent. Flying American Airlines hasn't been too shabby, actually. I am in the middle seat with seats on both sides of me- but no one is sitting in those seats, so I am fairing out pretty well concerning space. This older lady who has been walking the aisle for the past hour decided to sit next to me, fall asleep for about 6 minutes, and then she continued her aisle-walking. It was cute. We have encountered flight delays,which has resulted in shorter lay-overs in the airports. Usually that would be ok, but I feel like there are a few things I want to do while still state-side that I anticipated I would get to do during the originally planned 3-hour lay-over in Miami. Nope- we will have less than 30 minutes in the Miami airport. I have a task to complete with urgency before they make us find a mail drop-off box. I have a few cards I want to send out before I head to Peru (postage is cheaper here!) We'll see how it all goes.
There was no post office box in the Miami airport. I asked strangers to take my mail...this young lady and her husband. If you get a card Patti or Debbie Gray, please let me know! That means my mail was delivered. I know it seems weird, but I needed to get the mail out. Also, we are now awaiting a plane. The plane we were supposed to board was not operable apparently..and we are switching planes. This is right after we waited for an hour and twenty minutes on the last plane to have a mechanic fix something and check-out. HMMM....
My time 'off' from Fusion during the holiday season wasn't necessarily the most pleasant experience of my life. In fact, it was tough for me on several accounts. Needless to say, though, I find myself thankful for the difficulty of my holiday break. I honestly longed to leave Missouri to get a 'break' from the loneliness, stress, frustration. HA! Those emotions/mental states did not change for me as I drove across country. I did have some very sweet moments of fellowship and encouragement, but I still experienced some tough walls. My geographical location did not dictate those truly is the season of life I am that is working me, not my cohort, Missouri, different relationships. I truly believe the Lord is wanting me to see how real my faith is...and to show me how important my reactions are and where my heart is...and where it needs to be. Therefore, while I wish conversations and situations back home where different over break, I can see the purpose in how things have unfolded.
I am excited to be here- with my crew. I see much better the reality that I must FIGHT sin...and the importance of living a life worthy of the Gospel. I believe this will be something I will chew on a lot while on this journey...pray for me, please!
I am about to board the plane... love you, guys!
Contact information for y'all... is my email address. You can send letters to me addressed: Anne Tully, c/o Jenn FoSho, 75 Mae Johnson Way, Andrews, NC 28901
I will try to update this soon while in Lima. We hope to go sandboarding in the first 3 days. Orientation starts on the 16th. I will go to my village at the beginning of February. IT IS HERE!
Be at rest once more, o my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7
I love you so much Animal, and yet again am so EXCITED with what God is doing with your life. It has been such a pleasure to watch you grow, and a true testiment to me of how sovereign He is... BOY is that a comfort! I am hate it that your time at "home" was not more restful, but I know that God will use those situations and circumstances somehow. I will surely miss you, but you will not be far from my heart. I am praying for you and your team. Take care, have fun, learn lots, take it all in... and LOVE on everyone you can! :) You're an incredible, beautiful, awesome woman of God, and I am honored to call you my sister.
I am proud of you!!! Enjoy it and take it all in!!!
With love,
Jenn Forchetti
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