It is rainy and chilly in Kansas City, MO today, but I like it. I am able to sit on the patio of the student center, listen to Andrew Peterson, and 'just be' for the moment. This season of my life has come quickly- and it hasn't slowed down. The opportunity to come out here to Missouri and have time to prepare leading college-aged girls for the foreign mission field was presented to me 'out of nowhere' on the last night of camp (July 31)...and a week later I was talking with the Director of Fusion...three days after that I received the call that it was a 'go' to come. I had to pack my bags (gather stuff from GA, NC, and SC!) and make the 17 hour trip by myself. It all happened like a whirlwind, but there was a calming peace that accompanied the decision to pursue this. I did not know a single person out here or what would be fully expected of me...but I did have reassurance the Lord opened this for me. Driving away from Georgia, and then South Carolina, and finally leaving North Carolina on my 3-day packing spree really put a few things into perspective. My life belongs to God- and He is faithful in providing. Through each new place He takes me, I am learning the intentional ways the Lord tends to me, heals me, pours into me...
I live in a house with 18 females (2 other female leaders). There are a total of 17 males (4 male leaders). This group of people will be heading over to four different continents. For now, though, we have been going to classes at the Bible college in Kansas City, along with participating in several different types of training sessions outside of the typical classroom setting and working at different ministry sites around the city. My group of 10 folks are involved with a Hispanic Church- Palabra Viva. There will be 7 females and 3 males headed down to South America in January. We are learning how to work as a group, communicate, and build community.
There has not been any doubt I am supposed to be here, but I have had some tough moments with feeling awfully heavy-laden by situations within the group, with my own life and 'issues'...This experience has proven to be unique. A lot of situations in my life previous to coming here have helped prepare me for this, but there is a whole new realm of learning going on here for me. Please pray for me. The Lord has decided to rake up some stuff from my past and confront me with it- revealing insecurities and wounds from various ages in my life, different relationships, and from different situations. It has been painful and seemingly overwhelming at times, especially as I also feel responsible for my girls and am trying to figure out what discipleship looks like for me and 6 girls. I don't want to operate out of emotion, but rather by the leading and in the power of the Holy Spirit. I need wisdom and discernment in how to address a couple of internal issues with my girls. There is one girl I am especially having a difficult time with right now and I need wisdom. Please pray for us, as well, as we are deciding to be more intentional in sharing the gospel with people on the streets. I am learning how important it is to not back down from an opportunity to share the gospel- to not allow fear of man to dictate my actions but to be obedient to what the Lord leads me to.
I am also desiring to learn the language...but I am realizing I need to just start speaking it and to practice it. I have shied away from doing that, but I need to just do it...and learn that way. Pray for my students (guys and girls) because some of them are literally struggling with the school work. We will start a daily study hall in an attempt to help get their studies done, but it is tough for them and I feel helpless, at times.
There is no doubt- I can see God moving in the lives of my girls. I am supposed to be here... God is taking me through a good deal of stuff. I want to seize today and not wish this be so focused on January and South America that I forfeit the opportunities right at my hand here in MO. I hope to see many of you when I make a Southeastern tour in December before heading overseas in January. Feel free to contact me and I would REALLY enjoy mail of any sort... :o)
Thanks for reading this and I will work on attaching photos or giving bulletin-points on things you can pray for next time. I just wanted to type all of this out as it came to mind today. I must run- we have flyers to pass out for a fiesta tomorrow night at the church!!
Dear children, let us not love in word or in tongue but in actions and in truth...1 John 3:18
I enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing!
With Love,
Jenn Forchetti
awesome. It cool to see what God's doing in the lives of my friends!
welcome to the blog. thanks for posting.
anne tully + 18 girls in close proximity for several months would make for an interesting (putting it lightly) combination.
I'm so thankful to hear what you are doing and what the Lord is teaching you. It was great to read! :):)
Love, Elizabeth Jones
Anne- thanks for the update! So cool to hear what God is doing in and through your life!
Sarah Conti
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