Friday, June 5, 2009

i count all things as refush because of knowing Christ

I've been thinking about how so many times as believers we so long to testify to the lost about the Gospel of Christ. We talked about this at a Bible study several weeks ago for guys.
So many times i myself have been guilty of proclaiming a Gospel that is shallow enough to appeal to the most basic and greedy desires of the flesh of the lost person who needs to be liberated from such bondage.
It goes something like this: "If you died today do you know you would spend eternity in Heaven?" And, we've all seen the sign on the side of the road: "Heaven or Hell? Where will you spend eternity?"
It's like we've high jacked the Gospel of Christ and made the goal a place called Heaven. "Put your faith in Jesus and repent of your sins so that you can have a golden mansion and hang out with all your goody two-shoes loved ones forever and ever."
This sales pitch appeals to that lustful side of the human mindset of SELF-PRESERVATION more than it does to a COMPLETE SURRENDER to the Lord. "Believe in Jesus so YOU won't burn." Rather, it should be, "Loose everything so you can have a relationship with Jesus, no matter the consequences."
What do y'all think?

1 comment:

Jenn F said...

Wow, powerful words. Excellent point, and something we need to think about.

Jenn Forchetti