Wednesday, June 21, 2006

In God's Will

Dear prayer warriors,

It is a hope of mine for you to understand this: I am not better than you because i'm going to Peru.

Just because i'm going to share the Gospel with lost people groups doesn't mean i'm a better Christian. If you are called to go that's another story, but if it is God's Will for you to stay in NC (or wherever you live now) there is nothing you can do that is more Godly than stay in NC. Since God has willed for me to go overseas, there is nothing i can do that would be more Godly (in terms of going/staying) than go overseas. We are equally in God's Will in both those things. I want people to recognize that i have a Christ centered life, but i don't want people to think that if more people acted like "corey," (that'd be so weird) the world would be a better place. I do however, hope that you know that if more people acted like Jesus, the world would be a better place. Idolize and be proud of Him, not me! It is my goal that when people think of me, they would immediately think of Jesus, not the other way around.

The thing is, if you hold me to some superhuman standard, i will fail you. Jesus will not. We need more people to act like Him. We need people who are willing to loose their lives (socially, paternally, economocially, and physically) for the sake of the greatest message on the planet. When you buy that object of satisfaction (a meal, a piece of clothing, an ipod, a tatoo, a cd, a book, a concert ticket, new carpet, etc) ask how this will glorify God. If it takes you more than 3 seconds to come up with an answer i'd suggest putting that money towards something worthwhile. Live by faith tenaciously. When a physical danger arrises, whether it's talking for 3 hours with a person who has TB about Jesus or compromising your security in a closed-to-the-Gospel country so that more lost souls can hear about Jesus, don't reserve. I heard of a house church in Cambodia where the leader told the members to try to get arrested by sharing the Gospel! Where the government persecuted Christians, these people didn't care if they got arrested, or beat, or murdered. They had something better to live for. So do i. So do you. Now let us live.

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